Vers Beaucoup

This poem today is for the Saturday Mix at MLMM, and we are supposed to write a vers beaucoup. Follow the link to learn about this form. I am not sure if I was supposed to write more than one stanza, or if one stanza is sufficient. In any case, here is mine, and I anticipate writing more in this form. I thought that all of those rhymes would sound kind of silly and forced, but it’s fun. Je vais écrire beaucoup de “vers beaucoup.” 🙂 Also linking to the Writers’ Pantry.

May God speak to the weak ones who seek
Him, so bleak hearts become more welcome
To the awesome. May He hear, to make fear
Disappear, to protect what world rejects.

Here is a second one:

All the earth, sing the worth of new birth
Into mirth: from the trees to the seas
And the breeze, animals and all peoples,
Despair repulse — to bless brings happiness.

Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

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