My Lights

It’s time for my Tuesday-evening Sijo! This week’s theme is temptation. The first topic that I thought of is Jesus’s temptation in the desert, which was the Gospel reading on Sunday, but I wrote about something else:

When the darkness descends, when it invades, taking me captive,
I am tempted to think there is no light — yet I keep searching,
Until after excruciating pain, I find it right by me.

Ronovan Writes Sijo Challenge Image

Praise Anyway

I’m not entirely pleased with how this turned out but will share it for SoCS anyway. 🙂

There are always
Tiny little gems
Which shine throughout the day,
Despite lingering darkness.
To be thankful for in the end,
Reminders of God’s enduring love.

I have depression but can have many happy days anyway. I can have a really hard day but can call it a good day anyway (I don’t really believe in bad days, only hard days).

Gaudete (Rejoice)

A poem about light for DVerse Poetics on this feast of Saint Lucy. This is a re-working of a poem I wrote on Sunday, which is known as Gaudete Sunday (“Gaudete” means “rejoice.”).


The third Advent candle, the Joy candle
Joyful Advent Sunday
Third candle and rose-colored vestments

In Scripture
Given encouragement: 
Soon will the Savior come unto us

Waiting through
Any discouragements,
Keeping the Advent candles burning

A Sea of Grief and Longing

Just now, I wrote a poem for the Sunday Whirl’s Wordle #581. If it’s nothing but a word salad, it’s because I’m still depressed and very sad and grieving, but here you go. Update: Sharing with DVerse Open Link Live!

Let one's flame, spilt over the darkness, 
Cause a gap filled with light to be ripped
Into the world, knocking down hopelessness's
Walls -- Let's touch hope for a half-second,
Even with fingers numb with cold, 
Even with the rest of the Earth burning down
To ashes, amidst a sea of grief and longing. 

New Moon

The moon is new, and so the sky is dark.
The stars are shining someplace but not here.
The difference ‘twixt Now and Then is stark,
For nighttime’s Guide is gone, and there’s the fear
Of what comes next, no, even what is Now —
Rewriting of the story not allowed.

Shared with DVerse OLN because I wanted to post a poem today, short though it is.