
Daily writing prompt
What makes you nervous?

Here’s a silly yet true poem that I just wrote that answers the question:

I don’t have a job
Wish that I could make money
Writing poetry

Not having a job makes me nervous because the future makes me nervous. The future, the state of the world, etc. However, having a job would probably make me nervous, too. I have clinical anxiety and depression, so it might be easier to list the things that I feel okay about. 

Sometimes I think that this is hell.

Happier post will be coming soon, once inspiration strikes.

Normal Day

gratitude and joy
even on a normal day
working toward my goals

Today was kind of a mediocre day, but I do have a post for you for NaPoWriMo day 20. I am also proud of the fact that I went out and practiced driving again, so this day was not a waste.

New Friend

Kitty sits by me
While I am watching TV
Little furball friend

Today, on day 12, I almost forgot to post anything. I wrote 6 poems, but this one is the most post-able. The cat in the photo is Oscar. 


is the human soul inside
and the hope it holds

future is an inner seed
let its latent strength be freed

NaPoWriMo day 2, I have another poem in the same form as yesterday. I intend to experiment with different forms and try to write longer poems this month, but this was my favorite from today.


risen from the tomb
in the middle of the night
when no one witnessed

so no one is witnessing
a time of great change in me

For NaPoWriMo day 1, I decided to share this short poem. Inspired by the Easter season, which for Catholics lasts 50 days, and by the inner growth happening in my own life, I wrote this earlier today. I’m hoping that the inner growth, heretofore unseen, will bear fruit soon and make my life better in tangible ways.

One of My Fears

Looking back I would
Keep my crazy under wraps
Just so you’ll love me

For the past 3 days, I have been pretty damn emotional and even out of control because of depression / PMDD symptoms, and I have looked to my boyfriend for support. He has been very kind so far, but my fear is that he will get tired of me because of it. I can apologize but know that it will happen again because that’s what it means to have a chronic condition.