A Challenge

I wrote this little poem for MLMM’s photo challenge #439 and for FOWC: Segment.

Photo credit: Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra ACT


Exploring to new, unknown islands,
Across dark water under cloudy sky:
Even the trees do not look green,
As everything seems shadowy --
But keep on going, in your yellow boat,
This is one segment of your journey. 

What Do You See?

It’s the last day for Sadje’s WDYS #135, and this is also written for MLMM’s Photo Challenge #415. This turned out pretty meta.

Why has it been so hard for me to write something about this? This picture is more open-ended than most; my response could go anywhere. Just like that path through the trees. Just like much of life. The plethora of possibilities, the branching pathways — they make decisive action more difficult, becoming paralyzing.

Let’s start. Just write. What’s through those trees?

After long walking
Find a place to cool and rest —
Tiger in the pool!

Photo credit Claudia Weijers

Tree Branches

I just wrote this “Parallelogram de Crystalline” poem (a new form for me!) for MLMM’S Saturday Mix: Lucky Dip and Photo Challenge #414, as well as for FFFC #169. I wanted to post my response before the new one is posted tomorrow, hence the late hour. Yes, 9:30 is late for me. 😆

I will try this form again tomorrow!


Tree branches
Stark against the blue sky -- 
Observer's eyes looking up, reaching

This world I'd
Too big for one tree to
Reach -- even if it were a banyan

The world of 
One coffee shop, open
Via phones to all people online

Connected in a web,
But can you reach beside you, two feet? 


Photo credit: Tanya Grant

Photo from abi ismail at unsplash.com

Among the Trees

A six-sentence story, also inspired by this week’s WDYS prompt from Sadje.

Leaving her house, leaving her city — it feels like coming home, to be immersed in fresh air and delightfully lost among the trees. Do the flowers and birds live at the same ever-hastening pace as humanity?

This place allows her to, for the first time in a while, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Her lungs drink in the pure forest air like a thirsty man after days in the desert.

What a wonderful and necessary respite — unfortunately too brief. She glances at her phone and sees that she has 3 hours before she needs to get back to so-called “real life.”

I enjoyed writing this little story because, although I don’t exactly go on hikes, I do greatly enjoy long walks in nature. There is an arboretum on the college campus where I went to college, and I would often take walks there, or even simply find a bench to sit on and relax next to the birds / plants / lizards.



Another Sijo poem for this week.

The leaves are dying, but they let go of the trees gloriously.
Whispers of snow coax them; the leaves leap into the unknown, knowing
They need not return to the Spring, to what they used to be.

frost trees
Photo by Krivec Ales on Pexels.com