Sound Sleep?

Fandango has a “story starter” challenge, and this is the first time I am trying it. His words are in bold.

I woke from a sound sleep up with a start, turned on my nightstand light, and…

Wondered about the meaning of the dream that had just invaded my subconscious. Really, it was more of a nightmare, so I didn’t want to think TOO much about it. Having such difficulty finding a peaceful place. Peaceful places, interrupted by sudden Fiery Explosions. Then realizing that I was in a dream, so I did not have to get hurt by the explosion, even though everyone around was obliterated.

Does this dream have a happy ending or not?

I turned off the lamp and tried to fall back asleep, hoping not to enter into that same precarious and disturbing scenario.

P.S. I had a dream like this last night.

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