October Provides

For the current Weekly Scribblings, Magaly has asked us to write about anything October. I was partially inspired by the moon (shocking, right? 😉 ), so this haibun is also linked to Frank’s challenge.  I love it when multiple prompts synchronize!  (Thank you to Fandango for that one.)

If Halloween is on a dark and stormy night, remember: the Hunter’s moon is shining, reflecting sun’s light, even if nobody sees it.

Likewise, if current life does not seem fruitful, know: the Harvest moon will share its bounty, even this very night.

Luna’s face imbibes
faraway sunlight, carries
kindness to the stars

15 thoughts on “October Provides

  1. Oh… there is going to be a ‘Blue Moon’ on the 31st! How fun!
    Well I’m not sure how many will be out in costume this year as recommendations are to stay at home with small parties.

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  2. The harvest moon is wonderful these last couple of nights, and we’re to have yet another full moon later this month so who knows what can happen once in a blue moon!!

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  3. This haibun is just a perfect fall delight. I think we can all use a reminder of bright and beautiful things, even if they seem obscured at the moment.

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  4. Isn’t kindness a beautiful word. We still use it but of the act itself probably less so. This I suppose is because we are encouraged to be competitive, be better than others and show off our successes but keep quiet about our failures. Sadly everything we learn we seem to forget something too, such as kindness to others.

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